Oct 30, 2014 - Valery Sizov

GitLab 7.4.3 Security Release

Learn more about GitLab Release 7.4.3 for GitLab Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE)

Today we released GitLab Community Edition 7.4.3 and GitLab Enterprise Edition 7.4.3. This is a security release which fixes a groups API vulnerability. Snippet raw view and buildbox integration are fixed with this release as well.

Update 2014-11-03 10:02 CEST: The groups API vulnerability has been assigned the CVE identifier CVE-2014-8540.

Affected versions

The groups API vulnerability affects GitLab 6.0 and up.


The vulnerability patched by this release allows a guest user to delete the owner of a group and to assign any other member as owner through the groups API.


Omnibus-gitlab packages for GitLab 7.4.3 are now available. To upgrade an installation from source please use the upgrader or the patch update guide.

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